#PsyVampirism (28)
Pages tagged with #PsyVampirismReleased in 2021

About Vultures and Psychic Vampire (25/09/2021)
Released in 2018

Psychic Vampirism: Dispelling the Myth (13/02/2018)

The Psychic Vampyres are the Real Vampires (07/01/2018)
Released in 2017

Mental-Level Experience: How Real is Real? (22/07/2017)

Vampirism Part 2: Symptoms & Bonds (10/03/2017)

Vampirism Part 1: Psychic Vampires (02/03/2017)

Released in 2016

Have you just tried NOT being a vampire? (12/08/2016)

Drama used to Psifeed? (04/04/2016)

Psy vamps: Damaged goods or vampirus superior? (12/03/2016)

Psychic vampires and rare steaks (29/02/2016)

Psychic vampires at the coffee shop (28/02/2016)

The witches' guide to psychic vampires (31/01/2016)

The pros of finding baby psy vamps (06/01/2016)

Psychic Attack? Eat It (01/01/2016)
Released in 2015

Core Feeding (13/12/2015)

Psi Feeding and Energy Vibrations (18/10/2015)

Psi Feeding Guide (04/10/2015)